
Mined Time471 days 10 hours ago
In Block0xbfcc2f0edf1ae310365f01a762e9a0f6aefbc023298c48469fff7e7fc4b6cf26
In Block Height17695598
Value0 ETH0.00 USD0.00 USD
Gas Used / Limit384377 / 960942
Gas Price0.000000013780960141 ETH0.00 USD0.00 USD (13.780960141 Gwei)
Fees0.005297084116117157 ETH10.23 USD13.39 USD
ERC721 Token Transfers
ERC1155 Token Transfers
1 ARBO-A of ID 57, 1 ARBO-A of ID 10, 1 ARBO-A of ID 58, 2 ARBO-A of ID 25, 1 ARBO-A of ID 23, 1 ARBO-A of ID 20, 2 ARBO-A of ID 34, 2 ARBO-A of ID 27, 1 ARBO-A of ID 19, 1 ARBO-A of ID 28, 1 ARBO-A of ID 29, 1 ARBO-A of ID 31
Raw Transaction