
Mined Time603 days 15 hours ago
In Block0x703e8145838cdedfc7db0510adea6d9b9f882e39f965ca0b4ba2531ecbe2b4b7
In Block Height16757726
Value0 ETH0.00 USD0.00 USD
Gas Used / Limit1061755 / 1109755
Gas Price0.000000026019554492 ETH0.00 USD0.00 USD (26.019554492 Gwei)
Fees0.02762639207965346 ETH43.33 USD69.70 USD
ERC721 Token Transfers
ERC1155 Token Transfers
1 ARBO-A of ID 16, 1 ARBO-A of ID 18, 1 ARBO-A of ID 19, 1 ARBO-A of ID 23, 2 ARBO-A of ID 51, 1 ARBO-A of ID 52, 2 ARBO-A of ID 53, 1 ARBO-A of ID 57, 1 ARBO-A of ID 58, 1 ARBO-A of ID 60, 1 ARBO-A of ID 62, 1 ARBO-A of ID 15, 1 ARBO-A of ID 32
Raw Transaction